Contact Us聯絡我們

Table Of Content(目錄)

1. My Contact Detail(我的聯絡方式)

2. [General]General Inquiry(普通詢問)

3. [Course]What is the best way to ask questions about the course material?(要如何就Course內容提出疑問?)

4. [Bundle]How to apply for a custom bundle?(要如何申請客製化組合包?)

5. [Refund]How to apply for a refund?(要如何申請退費?)

My Contact Detail(我的聯絡方式)

#ITHandyGuyTutorialFacebookGroup(IT工具人學院Facebook群組)(Click here)

#My Email  [email protected]

[General]General Inquiry

#General Inquiry

For public discussions, please visit the Facebook Group and post your topic. For private communication, you can email me directly for a more efficient response. To make my management easier, kindly include the keyword [General] in the front of the subject line of your email.



[General]Inquiry Regarding the Release of the API Course

Hi Kevin,

My name is Alex Lin and I am writing to inquire about the release of the API course. I would like to plan my study schedule accordingly and would appreciate any information you could provide.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards, 

Alex Lin(Your Teachable account name)

Email: [email protected](Your Teachable account email)



如果您想要公開討論什麼東西,您可以來Facebook Group發文討論。如果您想要私底下聯絡我,歡迎您直接發送電子郵件給我,這會讓我比較容易回復您。為了方便我管理,請在Email的主題最前方包含關鍵字[General]



[General]關於API 課程發布的詢問


我是 Alex Lin,寫信是想詢問 API 課程的發布情況。我希望能根據相關信息來計劃我的學習計劃,如果有任何相關信息,我非常感激。 


Alex Lin(你的Teachable帳號名字)

Email: [email protected](你的Teachable帳號email)

[Course]What is the best way to ask questions about the course material?

#Course Content Inquiry

If you have any inquiries about my course material, I suggest posting them directly to my Facebook Group for public discussion. This way, other individuals who may have similar questions can benefit from the discussion and the answers can be improved collectively. However, if you prefer to reach me privately, feel free to send me an email directly. To make my management easier, kindly include the keyword [Course] in the front of the subject line of your email.



[Course]Inquiry Regarding [Course Name]

Hi Kevin

Can you explain the reason behind the Entity Framework code in the picture generating two tables? Why is the "Id" field of the "GamerAccount" table designated as a primary key, while the "Id" field of the "GamerDetails" table is not? Also, can you explain why some fields are marked as "not null" while others are not? I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide clarification on these points. Thank you.

Best regards, 

Alex Lin(Your Teachable account name)

Email: [email protected](Your Teachable account email)



如果您對我的課程內容有任何疑問,我建議您直接到我的Facebook Group進行公開討論。這可讓有類似疑問的其他人也可以從討論中受益,並且可以共同完善答案。當然如果您想私下詢問我,請您直接給我發送電子郵件。為了方便我管理,請在Email的主題最前方包含關鍵字[Course]





下圖的Entity Framework程式碼會產生兩個Table。為什麼GamerAccount Table的Id欄位會形成Primary Key?為什麼GamerDetails Table的Id欄位不會形成Primary Key?為什麼有些欄位會形成not null?為什麼有些欄位不會形成not null?我好像沒聽到你有解釋,請麻煩補充說明一下。謝謝。

Alex Lin(你的Teachable帳號名字)

Email: [email protected](你的Teachable帳號email)

[Bundle]How to apply for a custom bundle?

#Bundle Inquiry

If none of the existing bundles meet your needs and you want to purchase more than two courses, a "Custom Bundle" is available to you. To apply for this, feel free to send me a direct email. Please note that the "Custom Bundle" can only be used on the Teachable website, not the HiSKIO website. To make my management easier, kindly include the keyword [Bundle] in the front of the subject line of your email.



[Bundle]Apply for a custom bundle

Hi Kevin,

I am Alex Lin and I would like to request a quote for my custom bundle that consists of the following courses and links:

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards, 

Alex Lin(Your Teachable account name)

Email: [email protected](Your Teachable account email)



如果目前的組合包都不符合您的需求,但是您又想購買2門以上(含2門)的課程,這時候, 您需要「客製化組合包」。歡迎您直接私底下發送電子郵件聯絡我來申請「客製化組合包」。要注意的是,「客製化組合包」只能使用在Teachable網站,不能用在HiSKIO網站。為了方便我管理,請在Email的主題最前方包含關鍵字[Bundle]





我是Alex Lin,請你給我的客製化組合包做一個報價,我的客製化組合包需要包含以下課程和課程鏈接。


Alex Lin(你的Teachable帳號名字)

Email: [email protected](你的Teachable帳號email)

[Refund]How to apply for a refund?


Refer to "TeachablePay,Receipt,Refund"

Please note that the "No-Questions-Asked Refund Policy" is not applicable to the "Subscription Course or Bundle" with a "Free Trial".  Please note that I am unsure if Teachable will charge a handling fee during the refund process. Please refer to FAQ (Click here). If you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to [email protected]. To make my management easier, kindly include the keyword [Refund] in the front of the subject line of your email. (Click here)



[Refund]Apply for a refund

Hi Kevin,

I am Alex Lin and I would like to request a refund for the following courses and links:

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards, 

Alex Lin(Your Teachable account name)

Email: [email protected](Your Teachable account email)



請參考「FAQ - Teachable金流、收據、退費」

請注意,「No-Questions-Asked Refund Policy」(無條件退款政策)不適用於含有「Free Trail」(免費試用期)的「Subscription Course or Bundle」(訂閱制的課程或是組合包)。請注意,我必須強調我其實不是非常了解"Teachable"是否會在退款過程中收手續費,詳情請參考FAQ (Click here) 。我建議你也可以聯絡[email protected]。為了方便我管理,請在Email的主題最前方包含關鍵字[Refund]。(Click here)





我是Alex Lin,我想要退費以下課程和課程鏈接。


Alex Lin(你的Teachable帳號名字)

Email: [email protected](你的Teachable帳號email)