
Table Of Content(目錄)

1. Terms of Use(使用條款)、Privacy Policy(隱私政策)

2. Links of ITHandyGuy Tutorial(IT工具人學院鏈結)

3. Frequently Asked Questions(常見問題)

4. Register a Teachable Account & Subscribe ITHandyGuy Tutorial(註冊Teachable帳號&訂閱IT工具人學院)

5. Features(特色)

6. Don't rush to buy, preview it first!(別急著購買,先去試聽!)

7. Download Handouts(講義) and SampleCode(範例檔案)

8. 【Tools(工具安裝)】 course

9. .Net NET Framework Sample Code

10. Don't rush to buy, check out the coupon first!(別急著購買,先來看看優惠眷)

11. Student reviews for finished courses.(學生上完課的評價)

12. Certificates of Completion(課程結業證書)

13. Teachable Pay, Receipt and Refund(Teachable金流、收據、退費)

14. Contact Us(聯絡我們)

Terms of Use, Privacy Policy

By accessing this School, you are agreeing to be bound by these "Terms of Use"(Click here) and "Privacy Policy"(Click here).

We respect your privacy.(Click here)


當您訪問本學校時,您即同意接受此「使用條款」(Click here)和「隱私政策」(Click here)

We respect your privacy(我們尊重您的隱私)(Click here)

Text - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the course begin and end?
  • The course begins immediately and continues indefinitely. It is a fully self-paced online course, allowing you to start and finish whenever you like.
  • How long will I have access to the course?
  • You'll have lifetime access. Once you're enrolled, you'll have unlimited access to the course on all your devices for as long as you desire.
  • What if I'm not satisfied with the course?
  • I don't want you to be unhappy! If you're unsatisfied for any reason, just let us know within the specified period and your payment will be returned without further inquiry. For more details, check "Contact Us".
  • How is this course different from the YouTube tutorial?
  • The YouTube tutorial provides a brief introduction to the core features of the course, but it doesn't delve into the details. Please feel free to preview some of my course videos on YouTube, my handouts, and my sample code before making a purchase.  I highly recommend checking that you are comfortable with my teaching style before buying the course.


  • 課程什麼時候開始和結束?
  • 該課程立即開始並無限期地繼續下去。 這是一個完全自主學習的線上課程,您可以隨時開始和結束。
  • 我可以訪問該課程多長時間?
  • 您將擁有終生訪問權限。 註冊後,您就可以在所有設備上無限制地訪問課程。
  • 如果我不滿意我註冊的課程該怎麼辦?
  • 我們不希望您不滿意!如果因為任何原讓您不滿意,只需要在指定期限內告訴我們,我們不會過問您任何原因,立即退回您的付款。更多詳情,請查看「Contact Us」。
  • 本課程與YouTube上的教程有什麼不同?
  • YouTube教程只是簡單介紹了該課程的基本觀念,但無法深入討論細節。在您購買課程之前,請先在YouTube上面預覽我的課程影片、講義、範例程式碼。我強力推薦您先視聽YouTube教程,確認您自己是否可以接受我的教學風格才來購買課程。

Register a Teachable Account & Subscribe ITHandyGuy Tutorial

Many instructors utilize Teachable to establish their school websites. A single Teachable account can be used to register all Teachable-based schools. When registering for "ITHandyGuy Tutorial", you have the option to create a separate account or use your existing Teachable account. I strongly recommend registering for a Teachable account first (Click here) and then using it to register for "ITHandyGuy Tutorial". This will allow you to use the same Teachable account for registering any other Teachable-based schools in the future, eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords. Upon logging into your Teachable account, you'll have access to all Teachable-based schools you've registered for.

I suggest that when you sign up for "ITHandyGuy Tutorial", you check the box that says "Yes, ITHandyGuy (IT Tool Guy) can email me with promotions and news" to receive the latest coupons and updates. If you're not ready to sign up for "ITHandyGuy Tutorial" yet, I suggest subscribing to its learning information to stay updated(Click here).


有許多講師都選擇用Teachable來建立自己的學校網站。同一個Teachable帳號可以用來註冊所有用Teachable來建立的學校。您可以選擇建立一個新的帳或是使用現有的Teachable帳號來註冊「IT工具人學院」。我強力推薦先註冊一個Teachable帳號(Click here),然後使用它來註冊「IT工具人學院」。這樣您將來也可以使用同一個Teachable帳號來註冊其他用Teachable建立的學校,就不需要再去記憶多個帳號和密碼。當您登入Teachable帳號之後,您將會看到所有您註冊過的用Teachable來建立的學校。

當您Sign Up「IT工具人學院」的時候,我建議您勾選「Yes, ITHandyGuy(IT工具人學院) can email me with promotions and news.」,這樣您就可以收到本學校的最新優惠卷。如果您目前還不想Sign Up「IT工具人學院」,我建議您可以訂閱學習資訊(Click here)。


✅💡Unlimited access to Instructional video content.(Click here)

✅💡Handouts and Sample Code are readily available to assist you in saving time by eliminating the need for taking extensive notes. (Click here)

✅💡Feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding the course material.(Click here)

✅💡A certificate will be provided upon completion of the course.(Click here)


✅💡無限制訪問教學影片內容。(Click here)

✅💡講義、範例程式碼隨時可用,無需做大量筆記,可幫助您節省時間。(Click here)

✅💡如果您對課程材料有任何疑問,請隨時聯繫我們。(Click here)

✅💡完成課程後即可獲得證書。(Click here)

Don't rush to buy, preview it first!

👉#Don't rush to buy, preview it first!

👉#Self-study, subscription, and sharing are all encouraged!(click here)

👉#Please feel free to preview some of my course videos on YouTube, my handouts, and my sample code before making a purchase.  I highly recommend checking that you are comfortable with my teaching style before buying the course.(Click here)

❓#Oh, teacher, what should I do if I have questions about the course content?

🧐You are more than welcome either email me your questions or discuss them on my Facebook group.

❓#Oh, teacher, what should I do if the instructional video isn't available for preview and I only have access to the free handout but don't comprehend it? 

🧐In that scenario, it may be necessary for you to buy the course and view the instructional videos.

💪As a software engineer, it's important to continually upgrade your skills.

💪Register the ITHandyGuy Tutorial and let's learn together!



👉#歡迎自學、訂閱,分享!(click here)

👉#購買前,請先在YouTube上預覽我的課程影片、我的講義,我的範例程式碼。我強烈建議在購買課程之前,先確認您是否可以適應我的教學風格。(Click here)


🧐別怕,生死看淡,不服就幹。非常歡迎您將問題通過電子郵件發送給我或在我的Facebook Group中進行討論。





Handouts, SampleCode

Please use this Evernote link (Click here) to download an Excel file containing links to the handouts, sample code, and coupons code. Once you have opened the Excel file, locate the name of the course in the corresponding tab.  At the top of the Excel Tab for each course, you will find the "Handouts" section where you can download the handouts and sample code for that particular course.

In my case, I assume the name of your course is 【Asp.NetMVC(.NetFramework)完全精通】(Click here)


請使用此Evernote鏈接(Click here)下載包含講義、範例程式碼鏈接、優惠眷碼的Excel文件。 打開Excel文件後,在相應的選項卡中找到課程名稱。在每門課程的Excel選項卡的最上方,您會找到"Handouts"部分,您可以在這邊下載該課程的講義和範例程式碼。

以此例,我假設您的課程的名稱為【Asp.NetMVC(.NetFramework)完全精通】(Click here)

Necessary software for that particular course

Before you begin my course, please note that at the top of the Excel Tab for each course, there is a "Tools" section where you can view the related YouTube videos to install the necessary software for that particular course.

In my case, I assume the name of your course is 【Asp.NetMvc(.NetFramework)】(Click here)



以此例,我假設您的課程的名稱為【Asp.NetMvc(.NetFramework)(完全精通)】(Click here)

【Tools】 course

#【Tools】 course(Click here)(Youtube Click here)

I recognize that downloading and installing tools is the initial threshold in learning to program.  To help with this, the 【Tools】 course will be offered for free permanently and is open for registration to anyone who is interested.  The instructional videos for the 【Tools】 course will also be made available on YouTube for free.

At the top of the Excel Tab for the 【Tools】 course, you will find the "Handouts" section where you can download the handouts and sample code for the 【Tools】 course.


#【Tools(工具安裝)】課程(Click here)(Youtube Click here)

我了解下載和安裝工具軟體是學習編程的第一個門檻。 為此,【Tools(工具安裝)】課程將永久免費,任何感興趣的人都可以免費註冊此課程。【Tools(工具安裝)】課程的教學影片也可以在YouTube上免費觀看。


.Net NET Framework Sample Code

The sample code for ".Net Framework" that I wrote was written using the ".NET Framework 4.6.1 Developer Pack".  If you have installed a version of "Visual Studio 2022" or later, please install ".NET Framework 4.6.1 Developer Pack" on your own. If the download link(Click here) is not working, there is a backup on Evernote which you can access to download the file.(Click here, Search keyword "T30")

.Net NET Framework範例程式碼

所有我寫的". Net Framework"範例程式碼都是用". NET Framework 4.6.1 Developer Pack"所寫。如果您安裝了"Visual Studio 2022"之後的版本,還請自行安裝". NET Framework 4.6.1 Developer Pack"。如果下載連結(Click here)失效了,我有備份到Evernote,您也可以來我的Evernote下載。(Click here, Search keyword "T30")

Don't rush to buy, check out the coupon first!

📢Don't rush to buy, check out the coupon first!(Click here)

📢Please use this Evernote link (Click here) to download an Excel file that contains links to handouts, sample code, and coupon codes. After opening the Excel file, go to the "Coupon" tab to check out the coupon.

🔴Teachable may incur an approximate 5% "overseas transaction fee" (for details, please consult your card issuer).

For the benefit of our students, please use the "10%off" coupon.

📢Take your time before making a purchase, and be sure to review the available coupons first. When you reach the "Check Out" page, select "Add Coupon Code" and input the Coupon Code to receive your discount. Wishing you a pleasant day and happy shopping with your discount.(Click here


📢別急著購買,先來看看優惠眷!(Click here)

📢請使用此 Evernote 鏈接(Click here)下載包含講義、範例程式碼鏈接和優惠眷碼的Excel文件。打開Excel文件後,前往“優惠券”選項卡查看優惠券。


請注意,Teachable Pay的發票無法提供給台灣公司報稅,如果需要台灣發票報稅,請去HiSKIO購買。


📢購買前請花點時間,一定要先查看可用的優惠券。當您在「結帳」頁面時,選擇「Add Coupon Code」並輸入「Coupon Code」以獲得折扣。 祝您度過愉快的一天,並以折扣價購物愉快。(Click here)


每門課程的最後一節都會包含一個Google Form。如果您喜歡我的課程,希望您能花點時間留下一個好評價來分享您的喜悅,我將不勝感激。您的反饋對我來說意義重大。 感謝您的寶貴時間,我熱切期待收到您的評價。

Google Form有一個缺點就是強制使用者必須填「Captcha」來驗證自己是真的人類,有的時候驗證過程很麻煩,所以我推薦給你使用「Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans」(Click here)。使用方法就是按下「Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans」的圖示就好了,就會自動通過所有驗證。

Course Certificates of Completion

Specific courses offer a course certificate as part of their offerings. In cases where a course is designed to include a course certificate, students will be granted access to the course certificate once all lessons have been marked as complete. Upon completing all lessons, students can navigate to the Certificate tab in their course view, at which point the course certificate will be presented on-screen. Students can click the Download button underneath the course certificate to save the course certificate to their local computer or device anytime.


某些Course(課程)會提供Course Certificate(課程結業證書)作為其Course(課程)的一部分。 如果Course(課程)是有包含Course Certificate(課程結業證書)的,則在所有Lesson(小節)都標記為完成後,學生將得到訪問Course Certificate(課程結業證書)的權限。 完成所有課程後,學生可以來到Course View(課程檢視)的Certificate(證書)選項來檢視此Course Certificate(課程結業證書)。學生可以隨時按下Course Certificate(課程結業證書)下方的Download(下載)按鈕將Course Certificate(課程結業證書)保存到他們的電腦或設備。


As an Australian instructor, I am a customer of Teachable, an American company, where I pay a monthly subscription fee for Teachable Pro (click here). I utilize TeachablePay as the payment gateway to sell my online courses. In other words, being an Australian instructor, I am simply a customer of Teachable.

As an Australian instructor, I price my online courses in Australian Dollars (AUD). When Australian students purchase my English version online course for AUD 100, their Australian credit card companies charge a "cross-border transaction fee" due to Teachable being an American company. This "cross-border transaction fee" is typically below 10%, with most Australian credit card companies charging around 5%. Therefore, I have been offering a "10%off" discount code as I had planned to absorb this "cross-border transaction fee". Once Teachable receives the payment, it is converted into US dollars, and Teachable sends an email with a US receipt.

Teachable, being an American company, transfers the income to Australian instructors like me every 30 days. Therefore, within the initial 14-day period, the tuition fees paid by Taiwanese students remain in Teachable's bank account in the United States, and I do not receive those funds. During this period, I have the option to initiate a full refund by clicking the "Refund" button in the Teachable instructor dashboard. It's important to note that this "Refund" button has a time limit, and it disappears after 14 days. Even though I have clearly indicated the "14-day unconditional refund" policy, please make sure to apply for a refund at least 3 days in advance so that I have enough time to process the refund. Within the first 14 days, if a student requests a refund, without any specific reason required, I will promptly click the "Refund" button and provide a full refund to the best of my ability. Once I click the "Refund" button, Teachable will transfer the refunded amount (in USD) to the Taiwanese student. In other words, when I initiate a refund, the Taiwanese student will receive an amount that is reduced by Teachable's "processing fee" (if applicable) and the "cross-border transaction fee". The exact amount Taiwanese student will receive will be less than TWD 2999, and it is beyond my control. I have also reached out to Teachable via email ([email protected]), but they couldn't provide me with a more precise answer. I can only assure you that I will follow Teachable's documentation completely regarding refund management (click here). However, I genuinely don't know the exact amount you will receive. Therefore, before making a purchase, I encourage you to listen to the course preview and ensure it suits your needs. Feel free to contact me and apply for a 7-day free trial period for any of my courses as well.


作為一位澳洲講師,我是 Teachable 的客戶,這是一家美國公司。我每個月支付訂閱費用以使用 Teachable Pro (click here)。我使用 TeachablePay 作為付款通道來銷售我的線上課程。換句話說,作為一位澳洲講師,我只是 Teachable 的客戶。

作為一位澳洲講師,我以新台幣(TWD)定價我的中文版線上課程。當台灣學生以新台幣 2999 元購買我的中文版線上課程時,由於 Teachable 是一家美國公司,台灣信用卡公司會收取一筆「跨境交易手續費」。這個「跨境交易手續費」通常在10%以下,大部分台灣信用卡公司收費約為5%。因此,我一直都有提供「10%off」優惠碼來幫助學生吸收這個「跨境交易手續費」。一旦 Teachable 收到付款,它將被轉換為美元,並發送一封帶有美元收據的電子郵件。然而,請注意「台灣國稅局」不接受其他國家的收據。這就是為什麼「立即註冊」按鈕下面會有一個紅色的警告訊息。如果您需要一張「台灣國稅局」可接受的發票,請透過 HiSKIO 進行購買。

Teachable作為一家美國公司,每30天將收入轉給像我這樣的澳洲講師。因此,在最初的14天內,台灣學生支付的學費仍存放在Teachable在美國的銀行帳戶中,我並不會收到這些學費。在此期間,我可以通過在Teachable講師儀表板中點擊「退款」按鈕來發起全額退款。需要注意的是,這個「退款」按鈕有一個時間限制,14天後會消失。雖然我明確特別標記「14天無條件退款」政策,但是請至少提早3天申請退款,這樣我才有時間處理退款在最初的14天內,只要學生有要求,不需要任何原因,我都會毫不猶豫按下「退款」按鈕,盡我所能全額退。一旦我點擊「退款」按鈕,Teachable將把退款金額(以美元計)轉給台灣學生。換句話說,一旦我點擊「退款」按鈕,台灣學生將收到扣除「Teachable的手續費」(如果有的話)和扣除「跨境交易手續費」後的金額。台灣學生將收到的確切金額將低於2999新台幣,這是我無法控制的。我也曾通過電子郵件([email protected])聯繫過Teachable,但他們無法提供更精確的答案。我只能向你保證,我將完全按照Teachable的退款管理文件進行操作(click here)。然而,我確實不知道你將收到的確切金額。所以購買前,請先試聽,確定適合你,才購買。也歡迎你聯絡我,跟我申請任何一個課程的七天免費試用期。

Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to contact me for the following.(Click here)

1. General questions.

2. Clarifications on course material.

3. Assistance with creating a custom bundle if the current bundles do not fit your needs and you want to purchase more than two courses.

4. Information on the process for obtaining a refund. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, just request it within the specified period and your payment will be returned without further inquiry.


如果您有以下需求,都歡迎跟我聯絡。(Click here)

1. 一般詢問。

2. 課程內容的疑問。

3. 如果目前的組合包都不符合您的需求,但是您又想購買2門以上(含2門)的課程,這時候, 您需要「客製化組合包」。

4. 有關退款流程的信息。如果出於任何原因,您認為課程不適合您,只需在指定時間內申請退款,我不會問你任何問題,立刻退款。